See: The Secret World
One Shots: Tower of Final Phantasy
When a popular game comes out, expect to see a whole bunch of pictures of it slathered across the One Shots comments section! That's...
Massively Overthinking: The real-world value of MMOs
A while back on the MMORPG subreddit, there was a wildly contentious - one might even say transparently provocative - thread declaring that "f...
Massively Overthinking: What endgame content keeps you in an MMORPG long-term?
A while back on the MassivelyOP Podcast, Justin and I were trying to sort through why New World's endgame hasn't had staying power with...
The Daily Grind: Which MMOs are better with fewer people playing?
In Tyler's longform piece on The Secret World a while back, he said something that leaped out at me: that the game isn't really...
The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming some more solo Secret World nightmare missions
MJ and Chris are back at the OPTV Drive-In for another Backseat Streaming show! This time, they're back in The Secret World taking in...
One Shots: A face only a mother could love
One does have to consider that even the ugliest critter or most disgusting raid boss had a mother who, at one time, cuddled and...
The Game Archaeologist: The origins of Blizzard, Mythic, Funcom, SOE, and BioWare
A good origin story always captivates me, especially when it gives me a new perspective on something I've come to appreciate over the years....
Massively OP Podcast Episode 380: A TERAble way to go
Justin and Bree discuss TERA's sunset, Secret World's maintenance mode, Red Dead Online's maintenance mode, Heroes of the Storm's maintenance mode, Skull and Bones' November launch, Elder Scrolls Online's Lost Depths DLC, EverQuest II's prison server, Blizzard's Proletariat buyout, WoW's crafting overhaul, and the return of BlizzCon in 2023, with adventures in LOTRO, Fallout 76, and SWG Legends, plus a mailbag lightning round.
One Shots: Songs for a sinking ship
Maybe it's just me, but whenever I see a screenshot with a Dutch angle, I naturally assume that either a ship or the entire...
The Stream Team: Celebrating The Secret World’s 10th anniversary
That feeling when a game that is is "dead" is still more fun to play than many live ones! Massively OP's MJ has made...
Why I Play: What keeps me coming back to The Secret World
Now and then I'll allude to being the weirdo who's still playing The Secret World -- not Secret World Legends, but the original. I've...
Secret World Legends holds its anniversary event while a livestreamer hosts his own event for TSW
It's time once again for the anniversary event of Secret World Legends to shuffle along for another year. Those who have experienced anniversaries past...
The original Secret World suddenly finds itself back on digital store shelves
The Secret World - as in the original, not the Legends remake - is something of a beloved game around these parts, with its...
The Stream Team: Backseat streaming some mission running from The Secret World
It's time once more for MOP's Chris & MJ to hop into the drive-in for another episode of Backseat Streaming! Tonight, we're going to...
Perfect Ten: Weird ways we heal each other in MMORPGs
One of the most important implications of the virtual worlds we visit is that they all boast medical care far above and beyond anything...
Massively Overthinking: The MMO grudges we just can’t let go
Back in April, MMO Fallout's Connor and I had a lil tweet convo about grudges. He was joking that there will be aged gamers...
Perfect Ten: The many-colored dragon rainbow of the MMO sphere
Dragons are ubiquitous. When I wrote a Perfect Ten describing every single MMO bestiary, I noted that no matter what game you're playing, no...
Perfect Ten: Why we need more post-apocalyptic MMOs
Ever since playing the original Wasteland back in the late '80, I've had a high fascination with post-apocalyptic settings. Yet it's not been the...
The Daily Grind: What should Funcom do with Secret World?
There's nothing that makes my eye twitch faster than when someone brings up a beloved MMORPG that was either cancelled, abandoned, or neglected. So...
One Shots: Surfing the world tree
When the day arrives when a magic bee flies into your mouth and turns you immortal and sends you down into the world tree...