

TERA is swapping to properly transparent lockboxes

With the next content update on Tuesday, April 28th, the lootboxes of TERA are getting a major refresh. Soon, all of the MMO's lootboxes...

Life Beyond’s latest update opens up more of the map’s edges

Give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above. Don't fence me in. The devs of Life Beyond have heard you, Gene Autry,...

Bungie confirms a sharp rise in Destiny 2 cheating, explains what it’s doing to mitigate it

While this week's update from Destiny 2 has plenty of things for fans to read over, one of the bigger topics is about cheaters....

RIFT’s newest raid world bosses are basic creatures that are super-sized and super angry

Taking out masses of basic creatures like squirrels and spiders in MMORPGs is generally an inconsequential part of the player character's journey. Today it's...

Final Fantasy XIV previews patch 5.3, Reflections in Crystal

The upcoming patch 5.3 for Final Fantasy XIV might be taking a little longer to arrive than originally planned, but it's still on the...
Actually call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: Examining Shadowlands’ Hunter, Priest, and Mage ability changes

Here we are again, and we've got a new mess of classes that got changed! Although in many ways these are the classes that...

Fallout 76 promises a roadmap soon, teases pets and legendary perks

Fresh from a relatively successful launch of its Wastelanders expansion, Fallout 76 is buckling back down to work on the next phase of its...

Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ multiplayer economy suffers a major hit thanks to a closed store

In spite of Animal Crossing: New Horizons' multiplayer scope not being larger than eight players in a single in-game island, the wider world of...
Dawn of something-or-other.

Lineage II launches the Dawn of Heroes update with your own ready-made homunculi

The latest update for Lineage II has arrived, and it brings with it the option to make your own homunculus to tag along beside...

Legends of Aria’s May update will add new PvP zones and themed seasons

With its paid Dark Sorcery DLC a few weeks behind us now, you're probably wondering what exactly is next for sandbox MMO Legends of...

Sea of Thieves adds new reputations to earn and a PvP-centric faction with Ships of Fortune

Pledging allegiance to your chosen Trading Company in Sea of Thieves has gotten just a bit more in-depth thanks to the Ships of Fortune...
Get back.

WoW Factor: Everything can be an allied race, but nothing *must* be one

As the alpha builds continue to mount along for World of Warcraft's next expansion, a new debate has begun that is kind of difficult...

Torchlight III showcases the potential of forts in a video, patches in party crash fixes and more skill updates

Torchlight III (which I lovingly refer to as Torchums or Torchic or Torcherry Pie) is continuing to tout the fact that players can build...

Dungeons and Dragons Online discovers Update 46: The Lost Gatekeepers

While it's all well and good to release high-level content in Dungeons and Dragons Online, sometimes you want some good, clean fun for lowbies,...
oh no skellingtons

World of Warcraft Shadowlands’ latest alphas has dark-skinned human options, new customization, zone selection

Another alpha build for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has gone live, and that means both more features to test and more gameplay elements to...

Lord of the Rings Online turns 13 years old, gives players a self-crisping pig, and releases Mists of Wilderland

What do you call a pig who's toting a cart of active fireworks? A medieval bacon-making machine? Country celebration? Or the herald of an...

APB Reloaded shows off a video of the engine upgrade beta test

Over the weekend, developer Little Orbit held a beta test for the new-and-improved engine upgrade of APB Reloaded with 15 streamers duking it out...

The Division 2’s latest update adjusts some exotics and adds exotic reconfiguration

Ah, the exotic item. The most shimmery of shiny loot. It's an endorphin injector when you get a great drop and a staggering disappointment...
I guess? All right?

H1Z1 extends its PlayStation 4 season by two weeks while cycling in new Arcade challenges

Maybe you can't remember which name it's going by at this point, but H1Z1 is still trucking along on the PlayStation 4, and it...

Neocron works on futuristic tanks and re-opens the spider cave

It's been a while since we last checked in on Neocron, the cyberpunk MMO that's been in community-developed hands for a while now. The...