
Steam company known primarily to MMO players for the Dota franchise.


Artifact continues to hemorrhage players as fans plead for a sign from Valve

Hey, let's talk about Artifact! When last we checked in with Valve's digital card game (the first new game from the studio since Dota...

World War II Online aka Battleground Europe just got a fresh update with a new campaign

So here's a little bit of old-school awesome for your week: World War II Online just rolled out a big update. The 2001 MMORPG...

The Survivalist: Space Engineers sloughs off early access and launches with revamped survival

Wouldn't you know it: One survival game has a big week and others want to follow suit! Space Engineers sheds its early access coil...

Ryzom goes behind the scenes to talk guild islands and a new boss monster

Anyone reading this recall Ryzom? It's a French-made sandbox MMO that is under the stewardship of Winch Gate, which made the title open source...

Confusing ports of One Hour One Life demonstrate the frustrations of generous public domain games

Remember indie game One Hour One Life? Back in November, it made headlines for its Steam launch; it's an one-man-dev-team MMO where you start...

MMO Business Roundup: Skyrim’s multiplayer mod mess, Neural MMO, and the rise of Overwatch League

Welcome back to another roundup of stuff happening in the gaming business world relevant to MMOers. Remember Skyrim Together, the multiplayer Skyrim mod that...

Z1 Battle Royale declares the return of the king with a massive new update

Season 3 of Daybreak's PC H1Z1 (or Z1 Battle Royale now, or Z1BR for you hip kids) is coming back in a big way....
More like... mild.

Grab a key for a Wild Terra Esquire pack from Juvty and MOP in celebration of the game’s F2P relaunch

Remember a month ago when Juvty Worlds announced it was taking its isometric sandbox MMO Wild Terra free-to-play? That's a done deal now. You...

Grimdark MMORPG Mad World opens hardcore signups for April alpha zero

We've been keeping watch on Jandisoft's upcoming MMO Mad World since 2017, when it first appeared in one of our roundups. But since then,...
Outand aboutlaws.

Survival sandbox Outlaws of the Old West shares a sneak peek at its biomes

A new player on the unstable western gaming scene, Outlaws of the Old West looks like it has things more together than certain other...

Watch the rise and fall of the most popular Steam games of the last four years

For those of us who are visual learners (or heck, bar chart fanatics - and you know who you are), there's an interesting animated gif...

Derek Smart says he’s working on partnership deals to revivify 2009 MMORPG Alganon

A year and change ago, we covered the strange case of MMO Alganon, and now it's back in the news. We've been covering the game...

The MOP Up: Space Engineers jury-rigs a release

Everyone knows that engineers are the unsung heroes of civilization, and space engineers doubly so! So join us in saluting Space Engineers, the survival...

MMO Business Roundup: Fortnite’s lockbox lawsuit, Riot’s diversity boss, Take-Two’s stock, Acti-Blizz’s investor warning

Business business business! What's on the weekend agenda? Oh heck, let's just throw Fortnite, lockboxes, and a lawsuit in one sentence. It's like catnip. Fortnite's...

Massively Overthinking: Reconsidering the all-in-one MMO

One of the forever-arguments MMORPG players seem to enjoy having is the one about niche MMOs. There are quite a lot of gamers out...

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Hades’ Star, Cabal Mobile, Redstone, and Curse of Aros

Welcome back to another roundup of weirdo little MMOs and online games you've never heard of but probably should hear of! That's why we're...

Warframe just launched episode one of The Wolf of Saturn Six – on ALL the platforms

You know that annoying thing where MMOs get a content update on PC, but then the console launch is like a month later, but...
Conaaaaaah the borebarian

Conan Exiles gets a free weekend starting on March 7

It's perfectly valid for players to want a try at a game before being willing to commit to purchasing and playing. We understand that....

Breach hands out free keys to existing players to give to friends

Depending on who you talk to, the folks behind Breach are either feeling extremely generous, are nearing a full free-to-play launch, or are trying...

Black Desert turns three years old in the west as its battle royale mode leaves early access

Can you believe Black Desert is creeping up on three years since its launch here in the west? It's true! Naturally Kakao is pulling...