
Steam company known primarily to MMO players for the Dota franchise.

Shroud of the Avatar gets slammed by DDoS attack

If you're having trouble accessing Shroud of the Avatar's website or game, don't worry -- it's not you. The devs posted a notice on...
Space Engineers

Space Engineers opens its code base to modders

Hey space engineers, how would you like access to the source code of, um, Space Engineers? You can have it, since developer Keen Software...

Rumor: WildStar coming to Steam as a free-to-play title in August [Updated]

WildStar is coming to Steam, according to third-party scraper site When and for how much is less clear, given that Carbine and NCsoft...
It looks nice at a glance, all right.

Tree of Savior was greenlit on Steam in just 10 hours

Yesterday, we let you fine readers know that Tree of Savior had gone the way of all indie games (or at least many of...

Sea-based sandbox Windward launches

Unfurl the sails, cut the jib, and swab the poop deck -- Windward launch, ho! The sea-based sandbox officially rolls out of drydock today on...

Tree of Savior lands on Steam Greenlight

Will Tree of Savior get the thumbs-up from the gaming community? That's the big question now that the Korean title has landed on Steam...

ARK: Survival Evolved strands you on an island of dinosaurs

Do you have a weirdly shaped hole in your life that can be filled only by killing and riding dinosaurs (not necessarily in that...

Not So Massively: Heroes of Newerth changes owners; LoL subreddit drama continues

Path of Exile announced a potentially revolutionary and futuristic sounding new Deterministic Lockstep mode that promises sharper gameplay and zero desync for those on...

Elite: Dangerous offering Steam keys to game owners

Good news if you've purchased or are thinking of purchasing Elite: Dangerous from the game's website: Frontier said that it will be offering Steam...

Watch Dota 2’s Red Bull Battle Grounds Grand Finals today

Dota 2's Red Bull Battle Grounds e-sports event draws to a close this weekend with the Grand Finals best-of-five finale in San Francisco's Warfield Theater. China's Invictus...

Daybreak’s John Smedley: ‘Modders getting paid is an awesome idea’

Where do you come down on the subject of paying for game mods? While the reality of the issue might be off the table...

Talking with Trion about the future of Trove

If you dismissed Trove early on as an insignificant game or a thinly veiled Minecraft clone, then it might be time to take a...

Entropia Universe angles to enter the VR market

Is virtual reality just a fad that happens to come around every once in a while? Entropia Universe is banking that it's here to...
Dota 2

Dota 2’s International prize pool nearing $6 million

Dota 2's International prize purse is approaching $6 million, thanks to crowdfunding efforts centered around the "Compendium," a virtual level treadmill that rewards purchasers with...

Not So Massively: HoN’s fifth anniversary update; Dota 2 rakes in millions of dollars

Heroes of Newerth received a colossal patch this week to celebrate its fifth anniversary, introducing a new intelligence carry hero, a capture the flag...

Shroud of the Avatar adds first player-run town in release 17

Release 17 for Shroud of the Avatar has landed, bringing with it one of the most revolutionary additions to the game yet: paver decorations...

Brunelleschi is the staging ground for a ‘Mythic Renaissance’ civilization

Set in a "mythic Renaissance" that blends together history and fantasy, Brunelleschi: Age of Architects is an ambitious social builder that aims to give...

TERA turns three, preps for big month of May

Can you believe that TERA turns three today? Yep, it's true, and May is a big month for En Masse's action-combat MMO. There's the new...

Alganon is coming to Steam on May 5

Remember Alganon? It's still alive and kicking, and it's probably about to get a player infusion since it's heading to Steam on May 5th....

Project Genom gameplay video shows off its high-tech weapons

The sci-fi shooter Project Genom is making great strides with its post-Unreal Engine 4 transition, and the dev team put together a new gameplay...