
We never like these things.

German commission takes up lootbox issue as academics link whaling to gambling markets

Germany has added its voice to the anti-lockbox chorus in the US, UK, and Netherlands. According to an article on the German-language Welt (picked...

Path of Exile previews graphical improvements for the future

We're sorry to inform you that the video of Path of Exile below is all stuff that you're not getting today. Or tomorrow. In...
Oh, that's what tanks look like.

Armored Warfare trundles into early access on PlayStation 4

Tragically, the PlayStation 4 suffers from what we in the industry call a "tank gap," which is a made-up metric that entirely relies upon...

The Stream Team: Living it up in Guild Wars 2’s Lunar New Year

Firecrackers, racing, and a dragon ball? It sounds like a perfect time to Massively OP's MJ, so she's heading into Guild Wars 2 to...

ECO jumps into beta and Steam early access

The blocky world simulator ECO has bidden farewell to alpha and moved right into beta today. The beta transition also coincides with the title's...

The second chunk of Elsword’s 3rd job update launches tomorrow; here’s the new trailer

KOG Games is launching the second part of its massive 3rd job update for anime MMORPG Elsword tomorrow, and we've got a brand-new exclusive...

Flameseeker Chronicles: My Guild Wars 2 goals for 2018

It's the time of year for spring-cleaning and goal-setting, where we look ahead to a fresh start filled with plenty of days left for...

Guild Wars 2’s lunar new year patch is here with some big class balance changes too

Happy Lunar New Year! Guild Wars 2 has trotted out the requisite new year's event in celebration of the year of the dog, though...

EVE Evolved: A matter of balance in EVE Online

Throughout its almost 15-year lifetime, EVE Online has walked a fine line between developing new features and iterating on existing gameplay. Development has to...

Video game preservationists attempt to raise $450K to rez Marvel Heroes [Updated]

(We've updated below with MMOBomb's detailed investigation into this Indiegogo - short story, don't go handing over your dough.) With Marvel Heroes dead and gone,...

Blade & Soul previews Nova Core PvP battleground, new Call of the Deep patch video

Will you heed the Call of the Deep in Blade & Soul when it launches February 7th? If you do, it might be for...

Shroud of the Avatar’s most secret area appears only during certain planetary conjunctions

With $12.64 million raised to date (including a recent injection of $50,000 from a telethon) in crowdfunding, Shroud of the Avatar's certainly had enough...

The Stream Team: Dipping into Dead Maze

Can you imaging a zombie survival game that instead of ganking has cooperative play? No? Well, you don't need imagination -- you can play...

Rumor: An Overwatch League team may have finally picked up Geguri [Updated: Yep]

E-sports blog Dbltap is reporting that Kim "Geguri" Se-yeon told her Twitch following that she has accepted an offer to play on a foreign...

332,000 pirates board Sea of Thieves’ closed beta

It turns out that not only were players excited to jump into the role of pirates-to-be for Sea of Thieves' closed beta last month,...

The MOP Up: Overwatch rings in the Lunar New Year (February 4, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Good, great, grand.

Aion’s new stigma is actually a good thing

Aion's new dungeons aren't the only exciting features coming in Update 5.8: The Divine Fortress. NCsoft has another present hidden behind its back for...

Pokemon Go: Stephen Fry mockumentary, AR acquisitions, and new buyable avatar outfits

Pokemon Go summoned all controversies at once this week with the announcement of new buyable avatar items that are essentially locked to achievements. Redditors...

Worlds Adrift looks forward to the next two patches

With the next big testing patch arriving on Tuesday, Worlds Adrift is preparing players for a wipe that will make way for improvements to...

The Stream Team: A first look at the shooter Ironsight

Massively OP's MJ may not be the most proficient with shooters, but that doesn't mean she won't give a new one a go! Someone...