
Hans Zimmer is scoring Bless

Renowned composer Hans Zimmer is lending his talents to Bless, the upcoming fantasy MMO from Korean firm Neowiz. Zimmer, whose credits include The Lion...

Action MMO Asker Online is in open beta

Asker Online is in open beta as of today, but what the heck is Asker Online? According to Steparu, it's kinda like Vindictus. A...

Diablo III patch adds new zone and the powerful Kanai’s Cube

Diablo III players, your journey is not yet complete. Today, Blizzard released the game's 2.3.0 patch, giving adventurers more territory to explore and goals...

Here’s how Crowfall’s UI has changed in two weeks

A couple of weeks ago, ArtCraft published a video about the creative process behind Crowfall's user interface design. Today, the firm has released a new...

Guild Wars 2 hands out third anniversary gifts

If you created a character at the beginning of Guild Wars 2's head start, then you'll want to log in today to get your new...

Nexon and Cliff Bleszinski revealing mystery game tomorrow

Gears of War developer Cliff Bleszinski has been hard at work at his next title, code-named Project Blue Streak, for a while now, and...

Haven & Hearth launches improved ‘eternal alpha’ on August 28th

Haven & Hearth should look and feel a bit familiar to fans of Salem. That's not entirely surprising; both games have the same brain...
I'm sick of you leaving a trail of bodies wherever you go.

H1Z1 developers assure players that Survival is not forgotten

The first H1Z1 invitational is a pretty big deal, and it's definitely taking the majority of developer attention as it draws closer. But however...

Not So Massively: Path of Exile’s crafting scandal; Sins of a Dark Age’s sunset

This week in Not So Massively games, League of Legends players revealed a reproducible exploit that causes skillshot projectiles to become invisible and may...

Otherland delays early access

Bad news, kids: Otherland is not going to make its projected August 26th start date for early access after all. "There are many reasons for...

The MOP Up: Rick & Morty meet MOBAs

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Linkrealms’ summer closed beta starts on August 29

Indie sandbox maker Mythyn Interactive has announced that the summer closed beta for Linkrealms will begin on August 29th. Linkrealms has received multiple updates since...

The Game Archaeologist: Star Wars Galaxies’ NGE

It became one of the most infamous moments in MMO history -- and perhaps one of the most misunderstood. For all that the MMO community...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO prison?

Fictional prisons can be pretty fascinating to explore in books and video games. I've noticed that pretty much every MMO has at least one...

Allods Online update has werewolves and vampires living together, mass hysteria

Have the itch to get out and explore some unclaimed territory? Allods Online players will get to do just that with the advent of...

Marvel Heroes starts Mystic Mayhem event, announces STASH change

Limbo is open for business in Marvel Heroes, although players may go through hell when they get there. Gazillion took the game's old Limbo zone and reworked it...

Camelot Unchained shows off terrain, new animation vid

Is it Friday already? It feels like it because Mark Jacobs has checked in with a Camelot Unchained afternoon update. Today, he reports on...

Interact with this EVE Online overview video

Some people learn by watching and listening while others require hands-on interactivity for the lessons to sink in. So why not both? YouTuber Scott...

Crowfall sees crowd control as an important but tricky mechanic

Crowd control is a delicate and contentious topic for MMO designers, especially ones who are making PvP games. And while the Crowfall team isn't...
I don't really know either.

The Secret World launches Issue 12 today

Have you been enjoying yourself in The Secret World's version of Tokyo? The game's Issue 12 patch brings the end of your visit to...