

World of Warcraft
Warcraft series, a series of video games that began in 1994


Drink in 20 glorious minutes of Blizzard Gamescom previews

While it's no BlizzCon, Gamescom has become an increasingly important platform for Blizzard to share exciting news about its roster of games. And we're...
Look better.

World of Warcraft goes all Project Runway this weekend

One of World of Warcraft's newer micro-holidays is raising fashion awareness this weekend, as the Trial of Style puts the spotlight on transmog creations...
GO GO POSING RANGER... wait, wrong one.

World of Warcraft shows off the caster animation changes coming in patch 7.3

Casting spells has been a cornerstone of World of Warcraft since the game launched, and while the models and particle effects have gotten better,...
Into the unknown.

Perfect Ten: MMOs obsessed with the floating islands trope

One of the fun things about this hobby is that certain tropes repeat themselves constantly. And they're usually weirdly specific tropes, too. Poop quests,...

World of Warcraft kicks off Patch 7.3 prologue scenario, outlines content rollout

No, World of Warcraft's highly anticipated Patch 7.3 hasn't arrived quite yet, but the MMO has started moving things in that direction. A new...
Let me actually just get stronger.

World of Warcraft’s mythic dungeons are going to kick your butt in Patch 7.3

Vacation time's almost over, sweetheart; it's time to go back to serious work in World of Warcraft. Additional Patch 7.3 datamining indicates that Blizzard's team...

One Shots: Out for a monster stroll

He just wanted to go out for a casual stroll. He picked the worst possible day to do it. Todd the Troll lumbered out of...
It was a thing.

The Game Archaeologist: EverQuest Online Adventures

In the pantheon of SOE's (now Daybreak) flagship EverQuest franchise, there used to be a whole family of MMOs gathered around the table every evening....

Warcraft III starts testing map improvements, promises better matchmaking

Believe it or not, kiddos, there were other games in the Warcraft series than just a certain MMORPG. Warcraft III, which came out two...

Hearthstone returns to Northrend in Knights of the Frozen Throne

There's a chill wind sweeping in from the north(rend) today: Knights of the Frozen Throne is now live in Hearthstone! The expansion is one of...

Rumor: World of Warcraft’s next expansion leaked

Warning: If you hate potential spoilers about World of Warcraft, you may want to skip the rest of this article! Photos and descriptions of the...

WoW’s Garrosh Hellscream joins Heroes of the Storm

Orc faithful, one of your own has descended upon Heroes of the Storm: Garrosh Hellscream. Rawr. Everybody else, you can just have fun killing...

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic’s Uncle Owen problem

When Star Wars: The Old Republic first released, an old Star Wars Galaxies argument popped up, and the crux of that argument was this:...

Global Chat: What Asian MMOs can learn from the west

Usually when it comes to discussing world hemispheres of MMO game design, comments and observations are made about what western studios can learn from their...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 130: Flame and Fire

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor, Path of Exile: Fall of Oriath, and WoW's alt-friendly plans, with mailbag questions on MMO raiding and console MMOs.
Oh dear.

World of Warcraft saves an in-game tournament by disabling phasing

Players on Moon Guard have long hosted a week-long tournament event for all World of Warcraft roleplayers called the Tournament of Ages. It's filled...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG for gamers who are sick of raiding?

In the middle of the conversation spawned by yesterday's financial news that Guild Wars 2 had seen its worst revenue quarter since launch, several...

World of Warcraft gold tops the Venezuelan bolivar, Nexon breaks onto Nikkei 300 index

By now most of the world is aware of the massive political and economic crisis that's happening in Venezuela, with rampant inflation destroying the...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most important feature of MMO inventory systems?

A couple of weeks ago, we ran a story on ARK Park that included the image above, which just cracked me up. I mean,...

Blizzard promises account-wide unlocks for World of Warcraft 7.3, is working on ‘multiple’ new IPs

Not to be cowed by the other news and announcements this week, Blizzard stepped up to the microphone to deliver a few doozies. Game...