
See: World of Warcraft

Hyperspace Beacon: Is SWTOR prepared for the Onslaught?

Welcome back to the Hyperspace Beacon. I have taken a much-needed break over this summer to come back to the first expansion that Star...
We fought a bear.

Perfect Ten: WoW Classic dungeon reviews courtesy of Azeroth’s Yelp

So, you all know that there's a Yelp equivalent in World of Warcraft, right? An awful lot of people forget about that, but Yelpcraft is seriously right there. It's been in the game since beta, which is why you can still look at it and see reviews about how zones would be much better if Paladins had talents and some ancient references to some terrible action star of the 1980s. Can't remember which one. Dolph Lundgren, probably.

Jukebox Heroes: Exploring World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth’s patch music

One of my favorite modern trends of MMORPGs is that studios are no longer saving the entirety of a soundtrack for the base game or expansion releases. Oh sure, those usually get a great album push -- especially if it's one of the bigger games -- but for a while now, many studios have also been releasing new music on a steady basis with significant content patches.
Do you really want to hurt me?

WoW Factor: Blizzard’s nonpology and the ethics of boycotting

Last time we were here, we discussed the intensely shoddy ethics of Blizzard's behavior surrounding the banning of Hearthstone professional Ng "Blitzchung" Wai Chang....

ArcheAge Unchained delays Steam, beholds mighty queues during launch rollout

Gamigo's touting it as a "successful launch," but ArcheAge Unchained's slow rollout yesterday was more like a typical MMO launch, beset by queues, crashes,...
It knows you sinned.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 242: And then Blizzard said, ‘Hold my beer’

Justin, Bree, and Eliot discuss the Blizzard boytcott and fiasco, the Daybreak layoffs, Shroud of the Avatar's sell-off, the Guild Wars 2 hacker piece, and a few happier stories too.
Please come back.

World of Warcraft: Classic is getting Dire Maul today ahead of the rest of Phase 2

Sorry, guy; you might know Mordenkainen's Magical Watchdog, but you never actually said you were casting it, so now there's ogres. Among other things, anyhow. Yes, World...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Is it time for Guild Wars 3?

Earlier this month, ArenaNet announced that President Mike O’Brien, former game director on both the original Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, was leaving...

The Daily Grind: Where do you go to get your World of Warcraft fix?

Following last week's nasty Blizzard Hong Kong mess, many players publicly stepped away from the studio and its games, in some cases deleting accounts...

Not So Massively: The Blizzard I loved is dead

This week's Not So Massively column was supposed to be a wishlist of things I want from an announcement of Diablo IV. When I...

The Game Archaeologist: Funcom’s long-abandoned Midgard MMO

There used to be a time that Funcom was deeply into the MMORPG business, bringing us titles such as Anarchy Online, Age of Conan,...

Mark Kern didn’t just quit WoW Classic: He accused his old Firefall studio of Chinese corruption

Earlier this week, we reported that former World of Warcraft Team Lead Mark Kern had very publicly posted that he was quitting WoW over...
Let's dig our way out!

A World of Warcraft LGBT guild has been forced to change its name

Given the fact that this week has been shining a harsh spotlight on Blizzard's enormous mistake over a Hong Kong Hearthstone player, you would think...

Global Chat: One MMO gamer is trying to finish Fallen Earth before it’s gone

When you know that your beloved MMORPG is about to be shut down, what do you do? If you're the blog 24 Hours in...
Ohhh snap.

The Daily Grind: What’s the longest MMO boycott you’ve run?

There are a lot of games I don't have any desire to play, and then there's Star Wars: The Old Republic. I still have...
Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: The shabby ethics of Blizzard’s ‘Hong Kong liberation’ ban

Hooo boy, this was not an article I really expected to write this week. So, by now everyone's surely seen the news that Blizzard banned...
Hello, I am still the villain.

Players, pros, and politicians join in protest over Blizzard’s censorship of Hong Kong Hearthstone pro

The furor over Blizzard's ban of a Hong Kong Hearthstone pro player and apparent firing of two Taiwanese commentators has only increased since its...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs do away with stat armor entirely?

While I'm all about progression and acquisition for my MMO characters as they journey through the levels, I'm less and less enthused about collecting...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 241: The MMO industry reshuffles its deck

Justin and Bree are joined by Gamigo's Merv Lee Kwai aka Khrolan for a sponsored interview on ArcheAge Unchained, plus news on Guild Wars 2, Funcom's Tencent investment, Red Dead Online on PC, Raph Koster's new MMORPG, and adventures in WoW and City of Heroes.
Fine, whatever.

World of Warcraft’s newest allied races boast pint-sized cuteness

Long rumored to be the next (and final) allied races of World of Warcraft's Battle for Azeroth expansion cycle, the Vulpera and Mechagnomes are...