
The Soapbox: These three MMOs deserve a do-over

Wouldn't it be cool if every MMORPG that failed to reach its potential were granted some sort of do-over? We've seen it happen once, with...

Age of Wulin’s Chapter 7 expansion hits later this month

Age of Wulin is getting a new expansion on August 25th, according to a Webzen press release. The new stuff is called Chapter 7:...

Sword and Bored: Offline activities

Mo's player steps away for a bit and decides to gain XP by doing some offline activities.

Not So Massively: NSM at Gamescom 2015; Splatoon’s Octoling hack

It's been a fantastic week for online gaming with dozens of MOBAs and competitive shooters on the show floor at Gamescom 2015. Hi-Rez Studios...

Tree of Savior starts limited English closed beta testing

Many gamers are trying to get a handle on what Tree of Savior will offer, an issue that's slightly compounded by the fact that...

Here’s how to sign up for Moonlight Blade’s open beta

Upcoming Wuxia MMO Moonlight Blade is going into open beta on July 1st. Yes, I know, why are we writing about this because there's...

Age of Wulin allows you to summon offline friends for combat assistance

Do you have a good buddy you wish could play with you all the time, even when she's sleeping, eating, or at work? In...
Day, night, whatever.

Age of Wushu Dynasty is coming to mobile

Snail Games has announced that its martial arts MMO Age of Wushu is headed to iOS. Touch Arcade reports that Age of Wushu Dynasty...

Age of Wulin’s Blood & Flowers expansion launches on June 16

Age of Wulin is getting a new expansion on June 16th. It's called Chapter 6: Blood & Flowers, and it includes Lingxiao City, a...

Age of Wushu opens The Warrior’s Journey expansion

Feeling the urge to travel vast, untamed lands? Then it might be up to Age of Wushu to fill that need. The martial arts...
Try to fly better than this.

Hands-on: Blade & Soul’s western port is a cheerful cliche storm (and I want to play more)

I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing Blade & Soul just moving around. Most of the time in a given game, I'm moving around because...
Much like TERA, having a discussion about this game's attitude towards women is mostly a matter of shaking your head in exasperation.

Blade & Soul hits western shores this winter

Remember when comic books had little call-outs on the front cover proudly proclaiming that something happened because the readers requested it? I always thought...

One Shots: Nothing to see here, move along

Do you ever stop to realize just how much weirdness we see and dismiss every day as MMO gamers? If a fraction of the...
Age of Wulin

Webzen talks Chapter 5 expansion for Age of Wulin

Age of Wulin is getting its fourth expansion on April 28th, according to a new Webzen press release. If you're scratching your head in...
Moonlight Blade

Here’s a beta trailer for wuxia MMO Moonlight Blade

Looking for a wuxia-themed MMORPG? Moonlight Blade might be worth following, particularly if the videos posted earlier today by Steparu are any indication. The main clip...

Age of Wulin’s Betrayal & Forgiveness update has launched

Age of Wulin, the European version of martial arts MMORPG Age of Wushu, went live with its Chapter 4: Betrayal & Forgiveness patch earlier...