
MMO Business Roundup: Stadia’s bungle, Axie Infinity’s $1.5M in-game property

Welcome back to another quick roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news! Stadia: The Google mess just gets thicker, as apparently, developers on Stadia's internal...

The Stream Team: Mounting a mount expedition in Guild Wars 2

She has a raptor, a skimmer, and now even a jackal, but Massively OP's MJ does not yet have a flying mount in Guild...

Neverwinter’s Sharandar: The Iron Tooth is live on PC today

After a week's delay and a combat overhaul that set the playerbase ablaze, Perfect World has finally unleashed Neverwinter's next big thing: Sharandar. As...

EVE Online spotlights Reign, the return of Guardian’s Gala, and quality-of-life features

EVE Online has released the first episode of its video news digest series, The Pulse, of 2021, once again bundling together some of the...

Player-run Open Perpetuum builds its first ‘truly customized island and PvE experience’

If we are learning anything from observing what's happened to Perpetuum after the devs handed off the project to the community, it's that sometimes...
If this went away, I would be pissed.

Trove adds a new Delve biome to PTS, accidentally leaks a potential new Bard class

Are you ready for more Delve goodness in Trove? If you replied to that question with a groan, well too bad buckaroo because that's...

Obituary: Guild Wars 2 composer Stan LePard passes away

It's a sad way to start a week with the announcement of the loss of one of Guild Wars 2's musical talents, indeed. Both...

The MOP Up: Apex Legends Mobile is on the way

The multi-platform hit Apex Legends is finally making the jump to mobile. Droid Gamers reported that Tencent and Respawn are working on a phone...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Genshin Impact’s soundtrack

Genshin Impact isn't just a game that's easy on the eyes -- it's marvelous to the ears as well. Massively OP's Chris has taken...

The Stream Team: A first look at Valheim’s vikings

There's a conspiracy afoot to make Massively OP's MJ a viking in Valheim; friends in and outside of MOP are in on it! One...

The Stream Team: Will werewolves and vampires find peace in AQ3D’s Darkovia Chapter V?

The Blood Moon rises in AQ3D, and Massively OP's MJ is hoping that brings the peace to Darkovia that the leaders of the werewolves...

Warframe offers a brief look at upcoming updates and events arriving this spring

Where I live, we're still under the frosty heel of winter and probably won't see spring until sometime in mid-April if we're lucky. As...

Star Citizen previews alpha docking features, launches Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year events

It's a bunch of Star Citizen stuff today, with the usual weekly episode of Inside Star Citizen as well as some highlighted seasonal events...

Valentine’s Day begins in Star Citizen, SWG Legends, DAOC, and more

OK, MMOs, we get it, you have chocolate and pink stuff and hearts. This is the last one of these roundups I'm doing this...

Magic Legends casts hype spell for next month’s open beta

Things are starting to move faster and faster over at Magic Legends, as Cryptic's upcoming multiplayer title will conjure up an open beta next...

The Stream Team: Drow, Driders, and other creepy crawlies in Neverwinter

After venturing to the edge of the Underdark and back in Neverwinter (and slaying a drider prince), Massively OP's MJ and her D&D night...

Massively Overthinking: Do you need to be the hero in MMOs?

MMORPG developer Raph Koster recently tweeted that he'd had a "debate with some devs who asserted that videogames require the player to be the...

The Stream Team: Mini Mo Mania MOP birthday bash

Happy Birthday Massively OP! Yes, it is MOP's sixth birthday today, and that means it's party time! MJ is so ready to commemorate the...

Shadowbanning of Elite Dangerous ‘slavers’ is reportedly corroborated by email screenshots

The actions of the 7th Labor Division (7LD) group in Elite: Dangerous, who readers will recall were ensnaring brand-new players into mining servitude while...

The Stream Team: A Leap of Faith in Star Trek Online’s House Reborn

Last week for Star Trek Online's anniversary, Massively OP's MJ started the new House Reborn adventures by playing J'Ula. She learned of a fiery...