
The Stream Team: Journeying into New World’s preview event

We can show you New World Is it shining? Shimmering? Splendid? Tell us, viewers, now when did You last watch a game to decide? A whole New World A...
Bad plans.

New World’s open preview event has just begun

Amazon's New World has just kicked off its don't-call-it-a-beta beta preview event. The event is a follow-on to last month's density stress test (seriously,...

New week, old problems: LOTRO can’t seem to fix its servers

If you logged into Lord of the Rings Online this week hoping for an easy road to Mordor, think again. There are a whole...

The Stream Team: Scion smash in Path of Exile

Massively OP's MJ has had to do some demo work in her new home, but she's not ready to stop now! Even with sore...

Supremacy 1 is a new mobile and browser MMORTS coming to Steam

August has seen another new mobile MMO launch, this one a strategy MMO Supremacy 1914 spinoff called just Supremacy 1, which developer Bytro says...
what wait what

Jukebox Heroes: Great tunes from Destiny’s first soundtrack

Is there any MMO soundtrack that arrived with such incredible expectations and baggage as Destiny? If so, I can't recall it. We have not...

RuneScape introduces the Alchemical Hydrix gem, OSRS seeks feedback for its Trailblazer League

The staff at MOP were very kind to leave me the duty of handling the Jagex bundle of news updates as a welcome back...

Star Citizen Live discusses future updates, weapons, and features for FPS gameplay

What's next for shooting people with your handheld weaponry in Star Citizen? That was the subject of the latest weekly developer roundtable which brought...

Take on the evil plant queen Alice in Grand Fantasia’s August update

Gamigo has a slew of MMOs that don't get a lot of attention, especially since the Trion takeover, and one of those is the...

The Stream Team: Vanquishing the Voidrakar assaulting AQ3D’s DragonWatch Village

So much has happened in AQ3D in the short time Massively OP's MJ has been away from her computer. And while she's not about...

Star Citizen video and AMA discuss environmental art, rocks, and throwing all the things

Star Citizen's been back in the headlines this week for all the wrong reasons - weird Squadron 42 communication mishaps, pixelships, and huge piles...

Check out this funky bass line for Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 5.3 boss music

It need not be said that Final Fantasy XIV has both devoted fans and developers, but that is still the fact of the matter....

The Stream Team: Daring to explore Dungeon and Dragons Online’s Death House

Massively OP's MJ is celebrating her first stream in her new house by exploring DDO's Death House, purely by coincidence! She certainly didn't move...

Massively Overthinking: Mixing and matching the best crafting systems in the MMO ‘verse

Longtime MOP reader Ken from Chicago recently asked us to talk about crafting - but he didn't want us to just list off the...

Remnant From the Ashes drops its biggest and last DLC, Subject 2923, today

Today's a bittersweet day for Perfect World and Gunfire Games, as their co-op shooter Remnant From the Ashes is dropping its biggest DLC ever...

Existence arrives on the scene to recapture ‘the heart of MMO gaming’

Inspired by their time in Anarchy Online, two brothers decided that it wanted to make their own sci-fi MMORPG. The result of this ambition...

Crowfall is getting close to inviting all its registered players into the beta

Kickstarted MMORPG Crowfall dropped into beta last week, free of NDAs and full of content, but not everyone who's ever signed up for the...

WoW Classic’s permadeath community is absolutely hardcore

World of Warcraft Classic isn't exactly a walk around the block, especially if you're coming at it from modern MMOs. Of course, that's part...

Untitled Goose Game goes from antisocial to social with multiplayer

Honk honk honk honk honk! Honk honk? Honk. Honking honk honk, honk honk honk multiplayer (honk honk). Honk honk; honk honk honk. Honk! Last year's...
Gosh, torchums.

Torchlight III confirms fall launch window – and Nintendo Switch release

We've been wondering when exactly Torchlight III would launch, especially given its de-MMO-ification and multiple delays throughout development. And technically, we still don't have...