
The Bethesda Softworks sub-studio responsible for The Elder Scrolls Online.

Elder Scrolls Online subscribers to get bottomless crafting bags

Packrats rejoice! If you ever wanted a bag of holding in The Elder Scrolls Online to store all your piles crafting components, then you...

Global Chat: Making gaming resolutions

Do you make New Year's resolutions for gaming? I do and I've seen more than a few bloggers come out in early January to...
Well, almost however you'd like, there are still no ways to gain experience through awesome roleplaying.

The Elder Scrolls Online’s 2016: DLC, housing are in; veteran ranks are out

ZeniMax Game Director Matt Firor has just posted a dev blog outlining The Elder Scrolls Online's gameplan for 2016. "With the millions of players that...

Perfect Ten: Our favorite MMORPG articles from 2015

The first year of Massively Overpowered had its ups and downs, like anything does, but I think we had some pretty great content in...

One Shots: Every shot is awesome!

Today's headlining picture is another debut for One Shots: Funcom's LEGO Minifigures Online. I don't know many people outside of MOP who have even...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO with the brightest future

Imagine you have a friend who wants to play an MMO but doesn't want to get involved in a game that's in decline or...

MMO Year in Review: Star Citizen’s triumph (December 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...
And in Japan!

The Elder Scrolls Online will launch in Japan on June 23rd, 2016

We so often find ourselves covering games that have not yet been brought over to North America, but it's easy to forget in the...

The best MMORPG polls of 2015

Every week for the last few years, we've expanded on our "Daily Grind" theme with a Leaderboard poll. On the one hand, seeing the numbers...
Never over.

Perfect Ten: The 10 best MMORPG updates and expansions of 2015

There is no way we can list all of the great updates in a given year. It's not possible. We are always going to...

The most popular MMORPG articles of 2015

Earlier this week, we posted a rundown of the most popular MMORPG conversations of 2015, calculated by number of comments and then number of...
Bear bomb!

Ask Mo: Massively OP’s 2015 awards debrief

Massively OP's formal 2015 awards technically ended on Friday, though we've got a few stragglers and roundups left to go. As I do every year, today I'll round...
We slightly fixed our stuff mostly at the end!

The Elder Scrolls Online looks back on the progress of 2015

The end of the year is the perfect time to look back over the previous 12 months, decide that they were terrible, and vow...

The best MMO deals in the Steam winter 2015 sale

It's the holiday season! A time for cuddling up before a cozy fire, enjoying loved ones, sharing memories, and... just kidding. It's time to...

MMO Year in Review: Crowfall’s Kickstarter (March 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...
ESO Tales of the Dead

New source claims 300 Elder Scrolls Online layoffs throughout 2015

The Bethsoft layoffs saga has just gotten weirder. Last week, Irish news outlet The Connacht Tribune reported that 300 customer service representatives had been newly let...

The Elder Scrolls Legends TCG delayed into 2016

The Elder Scrolls franchise is no stranger to delays, which is why it's almost tradition for it's spin-off card game to reveal that it...
when yo crew be on point an erryone be stylin

Elder Scrolls Online reportedly lays off 300 support staff [Updated]

Bethsoft has reportedly laid off a large number of Elder Scrolls Online support staff from its Irish base. The Connacht Tribune says that 300 customer service...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online predictions for 2016

Speculation can be dangerous because I tend to be too hopeful for the MMOs that I play. I've been critical of The Elder Scrolls Online in...

The MOP Up: GTA Online makes every bullet count (December 13, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...