The Diamond Shores are no stranger to love in ArcheAge. Nor are they a stranger to militant factions taking control of its spaces. Trion has posted a new article detailing the history of the Diamond Shores, which is being added to the game with the Secrets of Ayanad game update. Even if you’re an ardent fan of the game’s lore, though, you’re probably a bit more interested in its incredibly affordable housing.
As no lord rules over the Diamond Shores, the taxes for residence are extremely low, influenced only by how many plots you already own. The down side, of course, is that the area is flagged as a contested zone and PvP is always on, so you might have to fend off more attacks than you’d like on your new farm. With some new vendors and a few safe spaces by the base camp, the Shores should serve as a new high-level attraction without being the sole destination for players at or near level 55.
[Source: Secrets of Ayanad, Official Site]