Monthly Archives: March 2015

The Stream Team: A reintroduction to The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online officially transitioned to buy-to-play today, and that makes it a perfect time for MassivelyOP's MJ to jump back in and...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online is shutting down in China

So long, Allods Online; you will be remembered. The Russian-made fantasy MMO is shutting down... in China. The English servers are still just fine....

Deepworld takes mining to the next level

It's Tuesday here at Massively Overpowered, and that means it's time to play "Have you played?" So have you guys played Deepworld? If not, we...

Pathfinder Online adding leadership ranks and vaults with version 6

Next week, Pathfinder Online will continue its alpha rollout with the early enrollment version 6 patch. The team posted a features overview yesterday to...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 6

Justin and Bree discuss The Secret World's nerf, ArcheAge, BlizzCon 2015, Guild Wars 2, Skyforge, Crowfall, and SWTOR, with mailbag questions on playstyle focus, podcasting, and WoW tokens.

WildStar tells the tale of the Ravaging of Arboria

Ever wonder why WildStar's floppy-eared Aurin are galaxy-hopping instead of staying at home and gnawing on carrots? It's because of an event called the...

Guild Wars 2’s Desert Borderlands will dramatically improve WvW

If you're excited about Guild Wars 2's upcoming Desert Borderlands map that will be replacing the three old WvW borderlands maps currently in the...

Cryptic layoffs alone totaled 18 people

Massively OP has been contacted by a Cryptic employee -- who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed -- about the Perfect...

Crowfall eyes artifacts and relics as a new stretch goal

With eight days left in its Kickstarter campaign, Crowfall is pushing hard for last-minute stretch goal milestones. In addition to mounts and caravans if...

Elsword’s Add gets a new job path: The Time Tracer

KOG Games has unveiled a new job and path for Add, the mechanic character in Elsword whose base class is the Tracer. In the...

Line of Defense reevaluates F2P plans after shaky free weekend test

Following a tumultuous free play weekend, Line of Defense creator Derek Smart said that the game may or may not go forward with a...

Tamriel Infinium: Five reasons to return to Elder Scrolls Online

Gamers rarely give an MMO a second chance. Far too often, a game bears forever the impression it earned the first time we played it. When...
That's not a doll, guy.

Final Fantasy XI will hold a press conference on the future, but what will it say?

Final Fantasy XI feels a bit neglected with all of the hype surrounding Final Fantasy XIV's expansion, doesn't it? That's probably part of the...

Elder Scrolls Online patches in the cash shop

The Elder Scrolls Online's buy-to-play transition is finally here -- and in fact started up a day earlier than expected. Along with the business...

Landmark will have just one more character wipe

Ever since players learned Landmark will definitely have another character wipe, we've all been very eager to know all the details. Those details are now in:...
I am still proud of myself for this screenshot.

Perfect World Entertainment hit with potentially massive layoffs

Layoffs have hit Perfect World Entertainment. It was first rumored in a tweet by Ben PerLee, who had previously worked as PR for the...

The Daily Grind: Does Guild Wars 2 need mounts?

Let me stop you right there: Yes, I know that Guild Wars 2 kinda has mounts. It has a ridable broom and a flying...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...
Roberts and Garriott

Garriott teaches Roberts about zero-G physics in pre-interview footage

Gamers Nexus spoke with industry legends Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts over the weekend, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about the...

The Stream Team: An EverQuest anniversary with gifts for you!

EverQuest celebrates another year today, which means it's time for a birthday party. And do you think MassivelyOP's MJ would miss a party? Not...