The Smed Twitter spigot is no longer dispensing tweets.
Daybreak President John Smedley is famous for his stready stream of Twitter dialogue with MMO gamers, particularly H1Z1 players, who may have been the last recipients of his tweets yesterday. Now his account has been completely deleted.
“I walked away from Twitter of my own choice,” he told Reddit. “I really love making games. It makes me happy. I saw Twitter as a great way to talk 1-1 with players which I love doing. I’m simply not going to let this make me lose focus….but I am going to walk away from Twitter and not miss it for a second. Life’s too short to let things distract me from what I really like doing. I will miss the interaction with our players though. A great deal.”
Smedley dominated MMO blog headlines this past week after a Lizard Squad e-thug was sentenced for thousands of hacking crimes in Finland. Following Smed’s colorful discussions on Twitter and Reddit revolving around the ongoing harassment he’s suffering from Lizard Squad, Daybreak itself spent the end of last week fending off DDoS attacks for which the internet crime club claimed credit. “Lizard Squad has ramped up its assault on the company,” we wrote on Sunday, “using Twitter to threaten and doxx other Daybreak employees and offer a horrifying $5000 reward for the desecration of Smed’s father’s tombstone.”
A spokesperson for Daybreak told Massively OP that it’s company policy not to discuss the personal matters of employees.
Get caught up on the original story from last week: