Did you catch Bungie’s weekly Destiny update? There’s a lot of stuff in it. Of note, the company’s “Security Response Team” explained how it has two major enforcement typs, the restriction and the ban. These are pretty self-explanatory, but Bungie goes on to admit that innocents will occasionally run afoul of the system.
“Please be advised that you are the company you keep. If a cheater is a member of your fireteam, you may well get caught up in the dragnet we have weaved to ensnare them,” Bungie says. “If your internet connection is consistently unstable, you may not be considered a worthy adversary,” the firm continues. “It may happen that you’ll be temporarily restricted from Crucible activities until your internet connection improves. We only make these types of restrictions in the most extreme cases, so don’t be concerned about the periodic Internet lag that is common to everyone.”