Click the Mo button below (and prove you’re not a robot) to take home one of these keys!
No keys left! Sorry.
Hi-Rez says that these codes can be redeemed in-game on PC only as “SMITE codes,” and in all regions as long as you’re playing on Hi-Rez SMITE servers (not on Tencent’s Chinese servers or LevelUp’s South American servers). Just head to the store in-game and then click “redeem codes” from the main menu. The codes have no expiration date.
Standard giveaway notes
‣ If there’s no captcha or Mo button and all it says is “No keys left! Sorry” in big letters, then we’re out of keys. If we get a refresh from the studio, we’ll send out a note on social media.
‣ Having problems with the captcha not working? Try an alt browser or clear your cache.
‣ Hang on to your code! If you lose it after all of our keys are given out, you’ll need to email us with your IP so that we can look it up for you that way. Please don’t ask us to email you a key if your browser didn’t actually display one for you or you can’t determine your IP!