When fans bankrolled a project to bring a superhero MMO to live to the tune of a little over $678,000, it wasn’t without a significant misstep. While the money was certainly a boon for City of Titans, the team confessed to making a significant mistake during the crowdfunding campaign that ultimately caused a slow-down in the game’s development.
So what was the problem? The team said that buckling to the pressure to include add-ons caused the project to take on too much all at once instead of allowing the devs to tackle these elements piecemeal.
“The result is that what was already an overloaded system became a huge glut to work through, and no real solutions to lighten the work,” the team posted. “The more overloaded a system is, the harder it is to delegate it to someone unfamiliar with the issues at hand, after all.”
The lesson that the team has learned from this? No more bowing to external demands to do something that isn’t good for the game: “We get compared to other game titles which gave people access incredibly early on, and asked why we do not do the same. But we remember when we did give into pressure, and the cascade of issues that happened. It gives us resolve not to release until things are good and ready.”