Ryzom is really truly on the way to Steam — this week, in fact. May 6th is the big day.
The 2004 sci-fantasy sandbox MMORPG was greenlit in May of last year and is finally ready to go. Winch Gate says that it’s upgraded the game’s visual effects, rendering, textures, and security as well as implemented OpenGL 3D and support for 64-bit systems.
Winch Gate rather famously released the source code for the game in 2010, allowing other players and programmers to dabble with their own servers. In 2012, the company wiped Ryzom’s servers completely and started clean, which is a bold move for any MMO studio, never mind one with half a million registered players.
Looking to get caught up on the history of the game? Our very own Game Archaeologist covered it in full just a few weekends ago.