Doesn’t the term “megaserver” give you instant goosebumps and make you want to stand up and salute the world for having birthed something so inspirational? No? Well, it still sounds cool, like the final boss of a classic Nintendo game or something.
Whether it impresses you or not, megaserver technology is heading to Devilian in the near future. Trion Worlds put out a FAQ for the upcoming changes, saying that the tech should be online sometime in June. There will be one megaserver for North America and one for Europe, with most everything transferring over when the change happens. The studio did warn that login points will revert back to zero at that time and encouraged players to spend them before it happens.
Another improvement coming to the action-RPG is the introduction of the pet appearance system. As it sounds, this will allow you to reskin your pet, turning that unsightly bird into.. a werewolf? Well, your tastes aren’t everyone’s. See it in action after the jump!