Don’t be nervous about entering Riders of Icarus’ Rift of the Damned; as a recent development diary shows, it’s just a name. The eponymous Tritael Rift is really populated by the Fallen Legion and Tempest Dragons who are trying to plunge the world back into chaos once again rather than the actual damned. It sure does contain a rift, though, along with plenty of horrible monstrosities spawned by said rift, some of which you can tame and use as flying mounts.
The developers have also updated players on the PvP changes that are coming down the line; while the original plan was to outright remove Alliances, after listening to community feedback, the team has decided that Alliances will remain in place. Alliance Wars, however, are still being removed, and Militia buffs are becoming more substantial. It’s a less severe restructuring, but it still should combat the win-trading that prompted the planned removal in the first place.