The Broken Shore in World of Warcraft is no one’s idea of a vacation hangout. For one thing, it’s covered in demons; for another, it’s the site of a pretty horrendous defeat for all of Azeroth’s forces. But we’re headed back there in patch 7.2, and this time it’s going to be a different experience, with the official site taking a look at how we’ll establish a new beachhead at Deliverance Point and then start taking the fight to the Legion’s doorstep.
Aside from the continuing saga of individual class stories and the ongoing daily struggle, players will also be working to improve the local defenses by building up three different buildings. Each building provides different buffs and stays up for three days once complete, so players will need to work together across the region to contribute supplies and bolster construction. Players will also have reputation to gain and new storylines to explore, so you should be well and truly ready before you go knocking on the Legion’s door.