This one is going to take a little explaining. Apparently, last December someone made a mistake on Gazillion’s side where Marvel Heroes players ended up getting extra stash tabs (and then couldn’t use them). The players were told to delete the mistakenly awarded tabs and that they would be compensated for the flub.
Without advance notice, that compensation snuck into the game today. Players logged in to find that some of them had 600 or even 1,200 eternity splinters waiting for them as a bonus reward. Some of the affected players, however, only received 200 ES so far. Confusion ensued until a player huddle sorted out what happened.
Gazillion took to Reddit ito comment on the compensation. “So the total amount players will receive if they should receive compensation is 1,200 ES. Players who logged in on X-Mas Day and received the stash item qualifies. Thanks for your patience guys.”