One of the many, many, many multiplayer survival sandboxes under the purview of our The Survivalist column is Planet Nomads, a title that Kickstarted back in 2016 to the tune of $140,000. It was originally slated for an early access launch on April 18th, but you might notice that didn’t happen — in fact, it was delayed to May 25th.
That’s just given developer Craneballs more time to work on patches, chief among them the addition of camera shake, blood screen effects, door functionality, improved particle effects, instance fixes, weather-related cover, and a survival and crafting pass that sees stamina, nutrition and hydration decrease at faster rates.
MOP’s MJ Guthrie will be streaming the game for the first time tonight at 9 p.m. on our partnered Twitch channel, so drop by for a look!