To the surprise of basically no one, Overwatch has succeeded through its first year, and it should also come as no surprise that Blizzard is celebrating with new skins. After all, new skins get added to this game on the regular. It’s all about skins. Have some skins. A leaked Facebook video shows off new skins for Soldier:76, Zarya, Bastion, and Pharah. No details on what the anniversary event will offer for other characters, but it can be assumed that more is coming.
Of course, the second year also means that players can expect more storytelling around the game (not in the game, unfortunately), with director Jeff Kaplan stating that he’d like to tell more stories about characters like Symmetra and Pharah who haven’t been in the spotlight yet. He’d also love to do some adventures for Roadhog and Junkrat, whom he sees as being perfect comedy relief for the more serious underlying story. Of course, telling stories about more characters will also push Blizzard up against the boundaries of claiming the game’s diversity isn’t political, so take from that what you will.