Marvel Heroes is turning four years old this weekend – can you believe that? That’s four years of freebie heroes, blowing stuff up, baby Groot, and inventory management. Mostly inventory management for a lot of you, I’m guessing. Gazillion’s never been a studio to skimp on a birthday celebration, so here’s what’s in store for you throughout June:
- CAKE. Bad guys drop cake. You turn cake in for loot. All month. Also all month: The anniversary tourney, the Train Yard Sentinel Danger Room tourney, and big boosts to XP and cosmic leveling XP.
- Week #1 (starts today): Double loot from cosmic bosses, Mystic Mayhem, currency sale, half-price heroes, and the return of lots of old costumes.
- Week #2: Midtown Madness, ARMOR incursion missions and exclusives, and undisclosed additional sales.
- Week #3: Odin’s Bounty turned on everywhere, faster and better Omega leveling and loot, and undisclosed additional sales.
- Week #4: All of the above turned on all week all the time. Woot.
While you’re contemplating going in for the freebies, take a look at our interview with Gazillion from earlier this week; we asked about PC plans, new characters, and the (temporary, maybe) death of PvP in the game.
Source: Official site