Calling it one of the most “monumental builds” to ever come to the game, Villagers and Heroes is preparing to unleash Patch 4.0: Starfall to the populace.
This update has been a long time coming to an antsy population, but by the sound of it, Starfall is going to revamp the MMO from the ground up. The feature list is impressive: all-new talent trees, new feats, more zones, an increase in the level cap, ultimate bonuses, and a revamped loot system.
Villagers and Heroes is currently attempting to drum up excitement for Starfall by enlisting the community to complete challenges, such as writing short stories, to fill up a “star light” meter. The higher the meter goes, the more information about the patch will be revealed — and the more free rewards will be given to all players.
Disclaimer: This update shouldn’t be confused with WildStar’s ongoing Starfall anniversary event or RIFT: Starfall Prophecy. It’s just one of those interstellar coincidences that is heralding the end of the world as we know it.