The official trailer is now out for Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One, and Overwatch fans may be pleasantly surprised to see a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo from Tracer herself.
The sci-fi movie, based on the hit book of the same name, takes place in the future where gamers battle it out in “The Oasis” to find an Easter egg that will allow them to take control of this virtual reality realm and $500 billion. As gamers can collect and use avatars from all realms of pop culture, including movies, games, comics, and TV shows, the end result is a film full of Chun Lis, Iron Giants, Battletoads, and (apparently) Tracers.
Interestingly enough, in the book the author specifically mentions World of Warcraft as being one of the “planets” that players can visit in The Oasis.
There are a lot of video game, pop culture, and ’80s references to be spotted in the trailer — if you have a quick eye. Check it out below!