Bears! What are they good for? Hides in Wild Terra (say it again)! Except that actually getting those hides proved a lot harder than players expected because the game never communicated that bears were supposed to be big challenges taken on by well-equipped groups. Instead, players have been falling into a habit of using exploits to kill bears, which isn’t good for the game and is probably not much fun for the bears either. The latest dispatch from the developers states that the intent is to make killing bears harder to exploit while also making it much more certain that you can get some skin off a bear’s back when you succeed.
The developers are also working on the issue of an insufficient amount of iron ore in the world and the attribute issues, with one attribute (intellect) being uninvolved in combat entirely and artisans being unable to effectively fight in any context. New lighter armor is being introduced to allow for lightly armored melee fighters, iron spawns are being reworked, and new systems are being introduced to allow the Corrupted Lands to be free of unintended “ghost” enemies. Check out the full post for all of the details to see how the game is patching up its post-launch issues.