If the mere mention of the words “Artifact Power” now send you into apoplectic rage in relation to World of Warcraft, we have bad news for you: Azerite Power has been redubbed Artifact Power, and yes, it’s what is going into your Heart of Azeroth necklace. That doesn’t change the mechanics of it, but the latest Q&A confirmed the name change. It also confirmed that a given power shouldn’t feel like a full-on Legendary from Legion, but the total cumulative power should be somewhere in that ballpark.
The Q&A also covered the removal of tier sets and the replacement of the powers in general with Azerite armor (each tier of power should apparently feel like a two-piece bonus), along with the more unified looks for armor in various locations. The team also confirmed that High Elves aren’t planned for a future Allied Race; as far as the development and lore teams are confirmed, High Elves are basically already playable, those are Blood Elves. Check out the full Q&A writeup on Wowhead.