The header image may have clued you in to the idea that Drustvar is not the most welcoming spot in Azeroth. Once you head there in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, you won’t be exploring the brightest portions of Kul Tiras. But you can get some sense of what the zone will feel like with the latest preview on the official site, showing you exactly what’s to be found within these darkened reaches of the Kul Tiran forests.
There’s witchcraft afoot in the whole zone, and from the moment you land you’ll be surrounded not just by the naval culture of Kul Tiras but also by suspicion and dark magics. Work your way along cobbled paths and into darker woods as you head west to the snow-covered mountains, which stretch all the way to Iceveil Glacier in the south. It’s not quite the full foot tour you can get in the game, but it should give you some sense of how the zone will feel.