The earliest moments of a Kickstarter can be the most nail-biting, as doing well early on can often determine whether or not the project succeeds or fails. (A strain that we here at Massively Overpowered are intimately familiar with.) So it’s good news that Fractured has reached over 40% funding after its campaign launched on June 25th, with 23 days left in its campaign as of this writing. The developers on the comments page are hopefuly and encouraging followers that this is still very much a campaign that can succeed.
Of course, the train is also rolling on with updates for fans and those potentially considering contribution. There’s a full reveal of the evolution for the baby dragon pet and the ghost butler, along with a planned livestream on July 3rd showing off survival and travel. While the campaign has slowed down slightly from hitting the 30% mark in one day, you can track its progress as it grows for the next three weeks.
Got questions for Dynamight? The team is hosting a Q&A tomorrow, July 3rd, at 4p.m. EDT; CEO Jacopo Gallelli will specifically be discussing the game’s survival elements and travel system.