Kotaku did a recent piece on “girls only” Overwatch groups that got me thinking about themed guilds. (As it turned out, the writer found that most of the groups claiming to be girls only were actually some type of troll.) But it struck me that in true MMORPGs, the themed guild might actually be dying out.
Years ago, it was completely possible to run a guild around some pretty strict themes, like an all-gnome guild, an all-crafter guild, or even an all-Star-Wars-fan guild. As MMOs have changed to focus on endgame combat – and as social circles inside games have drifted outside them and vice versa – those types of guilds don’t seem as prevalent anymore. Now you’re far more likely to find guilds centering on Winning Endgame, holding territory, zerging, or family-friendliness rather than on a creative theme that ties into races or classes. Moreover, in an era when some games put your whole account into a guild rather than just one character, gamers seem to be more inclined to join multi-purpose guilds rather than enter unique guilds with each toon.
What do you think about themed MMORPG guilds in the modern era? Have you ever been in one, or are you in one now, and are they still viable in some MMOs?