Do you still hold any hope for The Repopulation? There seemed to be a decided dip in interest for this sci-fi sandbox following its change in ownership a while back, but that doesn’t mean that the project is DOA. The current owners have been posting a semi-monthly newsletter on the site to inform the community of upcoming developments, such as a patch that the team is finishing up for sometime this fall.
The new owners have been trying to figure out what key issues they inherited with this MMO: “The Repopulation has pushed the edges of what HeroEngine was designed to accommodate. That is not to say what in The Repopulation was done is ‘wrong.’ Rather, in addition to a much older version of HeroEngine, they pushed the envelope significantly further than we ever anticipated from a performance, storage and content perspective.”
The future update will contain weather changes, tweaks to the Plymouth Control Center to make it run smoothly for players, fixes for doors and lifts, and continual improvements to the starter island and the new world map. The team said that it appreciated patience during this “slow but fruitful” process.