“This merge is intended to unify the PC community on three servers in order to provide players with more grouping opportunities, faster dungeon and PvP queues and a more bustling in-game economy for traders. Mount Tyrannas and Fey Forest servers will merge into the new PvP server, Ascension Valley and Tempest Reach will merge into the new PvE server, and Celestial Hills will remain as a PvE RP server. En Masse will look to the community to help choose the final names for the new servers their characters will live on, and will announce details on how the community can vote on their preferred names soon.”
Active players should definitely check out the game’s merge FAQ, as there’s a complicated list of caveats, especially for those of you who play on multiple servers and need to pare down your character lists (it’s capped at 20) or prepare backup names in case somebody else claims yours first.