We do find ourselves in a very strange time to be MMO players. While there are plenty of titles in development and early access, we’ve been suffering a drought of full-fledged MMORPG releases over the past couple of years. The effect of this is that MMO players are either turning forward or backward in time for their gaming hope.
By “backward” I don’t mean regressing into an unhelpful state; I simply refer to jumping back into old favorites or well-established MMORPGs that seem interesting, healthy, or a combination of the two. We all have our comfort MMOs, and this lull has also prompted many of us to re-evaluate older games that we might have passed over.
Then again, there’s always the future — and the promise of titles coming down the pike. For some players, the hope of titles like Pantheon, Ship of Heroes, or Ashes of Creation might be enough to keep them engaged in the MMO community and playing test versions.
So looking at your current focus, are you looking forward or backward with your MMO picks?