There are people in Atlas who do not care for PvP. There’s no version of PvP that will make those players happy. There are also people who do like PvP… and as it turns out, there are two different versions of PvP that people want to engage in there. There’s the very large-scale version focused on groups of 200+ players, and then there’s the smaller version focused on a larger number of smaller companies topping out around 50 players.
So what do you do to make PvP work best? You have systems in place for both playstyles.
We feel our players are interested in, primarily, two distinctly different styles and scopes of gameplay. One group of players is interested in design focused on small to mid-sized companies (2-50 players) and another has a preference for large company-centric design (200+ players). Rather than aiming to strike a middle ground between the two groups, which might end up diminishing the experience for either style of gameplay, we wanted to support two modes separately to see how that plays out.
Yes, the game is splitting along three different rulesets, dubbed Empires, Colonies, and PvE; those represent the large-scale PvP, the smaller-scale PvP, and… well, PvE. That one’s obvious. The development dispatch announcing these changes also promises that the test realm for these changes will be up in late March or early April, with testing planned to run for about a week.