It’s time to pull Age of Conan out of “maintenance mode” status and back into active development, because Funcom just dropped an update that contains several exciting features for this 11-year-old MMO.
We’ll start with perhaps the most interesting of them all, a semi-permadeath mode called Unconquered (it’s a cross-promotional thing with Funcom’s upcoming Conan RTS). The idea here is to roll up a new character and try to go as far as you can without dying in order to earn special rewards. When you die, you’ll stop earning your rewards, but fortunately you can keep playing that toon.
And speaking of new characters, Funcom’s activated a couple of new class/race combinations for you to try out. You can try the Cimmerian Assassin or Stygian Dark Templar in your next run-through. Funcom’s update also added a new badge system and a way to overlay your weapon with a different cosmetic look.