Good news for players of City of Heroes’ Homecoming rogue servers: The planned server moves – from The Netherlands to new destinations in Canada and Germany – appear to have gone off without much of a hitch yesterday, with downtime well under two hours. Do note that if you’re an EU player, your server has been renamed Reunion, so don’t panic. And if you’d like to be on (or off) that EU server, you’re getting 20 transfer tokens every three days to make that happen. The group says it’s buffed up its GM staff with some EU GMs and is working its way through the ticket queue now. (This is the point at which you gotta be wondering whether working a thankless unpaid job like support for *checks notes* 62112 players is sustainable, yes?)
Here’s what else is going on around the CoH community:
Homecoming is now allowing multiboxing “within reason” as long as there are no queues. “As for what’s within reason: Two or three,” the devs write. “A team of 8 MMs to yourself is not reasonable.”
Piggies! Piggs are well-known to players as the files that make up a lot of the data of City of Heroes, and thanks to Ouroboros, developers will soon have an official Pigg editing tool. They’re calling it Piglet.
Homecoming’s latest patch adds the promised custom XP buffs, tweaks rewards for morality missions, and makes respec recipes buyable for inf. Check out the patch notes.
The not-yet-active Rebirth server announced its full team this morning, including 23 Senior GMs. (GMs themselves haven’t been announced yet, if we’re reading this right, as of the time of this writing, but you can go see for yourself in that channel.)
Ever wanted to help design badges? Homecoming’s looking for ideas for exploration badge titles.
Finally, it’s not rogue server stuff, but it’s definitely newsworthy for City of Heroes fans: SEGS – the Super Entity Game Server folks working on rebuilding the entirety of the game legally – released their 0.7.0 “Awakening” build this past week.
The Red and Blue test servers are up and running with v0.7.0. #CityOfHeroes #MMORPG pic.twitter.com/ehiU6yl56n
— Super Entity Game Server Engine (@segscode) May 17, 2019