Last week, on the heels of WoW Classic’s latest stress test, I saw several discussions online about popular streamers and the game: Apparently, these streamers are planning to actively hide which servers they’re on, to mislead viewers into rolling elsewhere. While I’m sure that’s got some fans irritated, it’s also got non-fans upset, as they’d like to make sure they don’t get stuck on a server with these big names and their entourage.
Now, I like to hide out in my MMOs too, so I don’t want to knock streamers for that. I don’t want to be answering work-related tells in my rare free time, and I’m sure they don’t either. On the other hand, it did make me think back to the times my guild was gearing up for a big game launch and we paid active attention to where certain toxic guilds were headed so we could nope right the other way to avoid them.
Do you let an MMO’s worst community elements determine your server selection?