Earth and Sky will soon become one. Specifically, the Verdant Earth and Azure Sky server clusters of Legends of Aria, which reportedly is moving along quite well and should be finished soon, according to Citadel’s latest dev blog. Once the merge is complete, both clusters will simply be seen as a single server on the server list, though the game HUD will tell you which world you occupy and runes will indicate whether they’ll take you to Verdant Earth or Azure Sky.
Before inter-world travel can be completed, however, the Legends of Aria folks are taking a moment to inject a bit of lore into the whole matter. In order to enable travel between the two clusters, players will have to open a dead gate and attune themselves for cross-realm travel. Details on how this all works will be revealed once the merging is complete.
In more immediate Legends of Aria news, a new hotfix has been deployed to patch up some issues, and work continues on the player server called Legends of Ultima, which is essentially a recreation of the world of Ultima Online. If you’re the sort pining for those fjords, a look at that can be found below.