Ever since we got word that a new Dwarf racial variant was on the way to Lord of the Rings Online, we’ve been curious what these Stout-Axe Dwarves were going to add to the game. Since SSG wasn’t really giving out any more details, this week’s preview of the race on the Bullroarer test server is the first time that the community’s had to dig into these short but hearty folk.
According to fan site LOTRO Players, which broke the story this past summer, “The Stout-Axes refused to return their Dwarf ring, having lived in the far east of Middle-earth. [They are] more grim, taller, and hardened by their captivity. They will have a new starting area.”
The update-in-testing also includes some tweaks to Isengard gear stats, new pig and bumblebee cosmetic pets (take THAT, other bee-focused MMO!), and the ability for player monsters to collect High Elf ears. That’ll be an interesting collection to explain to your significant other.
Source: Lord of the Rings Online