Why would you want to stroll through a world where a Chaos Moon is causing misery, strife, and death? Why, to show off your MMO’s world, of course! Warhammer: Odyssey, the free-to-play mobile MMORPG that was unveiled this past August, has put out a preview video showcasing some of the locations your character will travel to.
The video lists itself as pre-alpha footage, but I have to admit that this is pretty darn good looking for pre-alpha on a mobile MMORPG. The video shows what looks like a female Witch Hunter taking a leisurely stroll through creepy forests, past burning effigies, and alongside a town that’s burning under siege. You know, a leisurely skip through the outdoors.
Information about what this game plays like is still unannounced, likely owing to the fact that it’s still being developed, but TouchArcade reports that conversation in the game’s official Discord confirmed that there will not be any auto-pathing or auto-play feature in Warhammer: Odyssey. More information about what else is in this bit of pocket MMORPG gaming should arrive as the game nears its release next year, but for now we’ll just all have to walk through the World That Was in the trailer below.