Yesterday, we learned that ArenaNet’s Mike O’Brien, who’d run the company that ushered both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 into the MMORPG genre for nearly two decades, was leaving the company to found a new tiny studio. Some might have considered that inevitable, given the brutal layoffs this past winter (at one point, union organizers were calling for his head!), but as we understand it, it didn’t initially appear that way internally.
It also doesn’t seem as if O’Brien will be replaced at all, if you read between the lines: ArenaNet’s statement to us yesterday did not directly address our questions as to who will become president, instead saying that that “Mike Zadorojny will continue to oversee Guild Wars 2 at ArenaNet while NCSOFT West Chief Development Officer Chris Corry will continue in his role managing all western development efforts at the company.”
Adding more fuel to the fire, Kotaku’s piece yesterday confirmed our sourcing from earlier this year that indicated work on prototyping a potential Guild Wars 3 was underway (again) following the mass layoffs and cancellation of other projects (thanks, GD!). Whether you regard that as a good thing probably depends on your opinion of Guild Wars 2 itself and whether you want to see it developed to its full potential or replaced by something new.
Are you concerned for the future of Guild Wars 2?
Leaderboard: Are you concerned for the future of Guild Wars 2? (Choose up to three.)
- Nah, not worried - MikeZ's got this. (7%, 129 Votes)
- Slightly worried - don't like the uncertainty. (10%, 189 Votes)
- Super concerned about the turmoil this year. (8%, 160 Votes)
- Guild Wars 3 sounds like a big threat to GW2's future. (4%, 84 Votes)
- Guild Wars 3 sounds like an awesome fresh start. (14%, 281 Votes)
- Heck, I was concerned about Guild Wars 2 long before this. (14%, 267 Votes)
- Where's our GW2 expansion, Anet? (11%, 212 Votes)
- I am chiefly worried about NCsoft's involvement. (8%, 156 Votes)
- I think ArenaNet is better off with O'Brien out. (2%, 32 Votes)
- Let's wait and see how the company adjusts. (6%, 109 Votes)
- I'm worried about ArenaNet's survival in general. (10%, 194 Votes)
- ArenaNet will be fine - just let it work itself out. (3%, 52 Votes)
- Don't know enough to comment. (3%, 50 Votes)
- Something else. (0%, 7 Votes)
- No response / view tally / sylvari butts (3%, 54 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,160