Welcome to Final Fantasy XI! Would you like some stuff? You can get some stuff! Seriously, the game is choosing November as the month to Get All The Stuff, starting with the latest iteration of the Mog Bonanza lottery. Purchase marbles, match numbers, and win all sorts of stuff including a grand prize of 100,000,000 gil! (Or other insanely valuable items.) The sales of the marbles kick off on November 10th, so feel free to buy your marbles and hope for good fortune.
The game is also bringing in a special battlefield starting on November 11th, pitting players against Lion to earn a reward of… well, her dagger. If you’ve long coveted her stabby bit of metal, this is the challenge for you. The latest login campaign is also offering players a Dhalmel mount as its marquee item, along with other mounts and rewards. In short… November is the month to just get stuff. Go nuts and get some stuff, people.