So now you’re level 120 in World of Warcraft and you want to start doing stuff. If you want to start doing stuff on your main character, who has presumably been playing for the whole expansion, this is likely not difficult. If you want to play catch-up on your alt, that can be a little harder, but it appears to be helped somewhat by the addition of catch-up tokens dropped during invasions in Uldum and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms on the 8.3 patch server. The tokens are bind-on-account and create a piece of level 400 gear, a quick way to get your alt up to the level of doing stuff.
Of course, players are divided on these tokens. On the one hand, bind-on-account is a nice way to catch yourself up, but the item level is also easily obtained via Nazjatar content with pearls. There are also not-yet-implemented items for rings and trinkets, which may cover slots that Nazjatar does not, but they are (as mentioned) not yet implemented. And beyond that, there are no weapon tokens and no vendors to actually buy these tokens, thus forcing you to rely entirely on luck. Still, since the patch isn’t due out until January at the earliest, there’s time for these blind spots to be addressed.