It’s been about two years since Battleborn stopped receiving any updates, but at least it’s still operational and playable. But not for all that much longer, it seems, as publisher 2K Games has announced that the game will fully sunset in January 2021. Once the game’s servers are turned off, playing the game will be entirely impossible; it’s already being removed from digital storefronts for sale. Currency within the game will be unavailable to purchase after February 2020, as well.
Of course, that will still leave players with about a year to enjoy the game in its current state, spend any currency they already have in the game, and run some final matches for fun. This likely isn’t an enormous surprise, since the game failed to find a solid audience on launch (and was generally unfavorably compared to Overwatch, which launched around the same time and lacked the story content but was seen as the better game overall). Our condolences to the fans of the game who had hoped for a revival, but the good news is that you’ll at least have another year for the last hurrah.
[1/3] Today we have begun the process of gradually sunsetting Battleborn. Starting February 24, 2020, you will no longer be able to purchase virtual currency for use in the game.
— Battleborn (@Battleborn) November 25, 2019