CitizenCon had a number of reveals for Star Citizen players, but not many of them were quite as dramatic as the trip into a jump gate, through a wormhole, and into the Pyro star system. This week’s episode of Inside Star Citizen has taken fans on a deep dive into wormholes, or more specifically the ones made in-game. Sorry, no real science here.
Wormholes aren’t just fancy loading screens in-between instanced areas, but actual geometric tunnels that link one area to another. The tools developed by CIG allow for a number of procedurally generated features like obstacles and branching paths, but ultimately the wormhole’s shape is planned and mapped out and can even be adjusted if needed.
The areas that the jump gates rest also feature a variety of graphical tools that let the devs create gas clouds out of a polygonal shape base for more fine customization as they need. Basically, there’s a lot of graphical trickery going on, a lot of which comes from the development of Squadron 42.
If you’re not keen on learning about flying through a space colon, then there’s always the planet microTech to explore. The latest Traveler’s Guide post grants fans a look at the various biomes, landscapes, urban features, and other locations of the in-development planet, along with plenty of pretty pictures to look at.