Who’s ready for a whole gaggle of Wild Terra 2 news? Yes, this small-team MMORPG has had a variety of updates since we last peeked in on it, including a few Bard class details, a look at gameplay, and some high-dollar pledges that let backers pay to be “game devs” in the loosest sense of the term. More on that in a bit.
First, let’s get to MOP’s all-time favorite class that never seems to be done well or too often, the Bard. Wild Terra 2’s version of a Bard will be a support class as one would expect, applying helpful buffs on friends and hurtful debuffs on foes. Some of these planned effects include reduced crit chance, forcing a foe to place a single coin on the ground, or increasing the chance to complete a successful action. There are even plans to have multiple Bards needed to summon a special boss or activate an enhanced effect.
These all sound like good ideas, sure, but what if you want to apply your own to the game? Some of the crowdfunding pledges for sale allow you to do just that, granting fans the opportunity to pay to become “devs” on the team. I keep using quotes because it reads like a very broad sense of what being a game dev actually is; you’ll basically pay for the chance to name things, concept items or mounts, or provide ideas or input in the creation of a raid boss and its related quests and rewards. These pledges run anywhere from $450 to $9,000. Why the pledge thing? Readers will recall that Wild Terra 2 is being self-published, and so crowdfunding will be the primary force for seeing the game come to life.
Speaking of coming to life, how about some gameplay? You can soak yourself in the dark atmosphere and the copious use of floating combat effect text (poisoning poisoning poisoning poisoning) in the video below.