The latest patch to the Albion Online Queen update is certainly going to make mobile players happy, as it allows you to drag items and paste them into chat. Now you can just link items there instead of having to type out an explanation! You also have new drag-context menus and spell tooltips, which will no doubt help the mobile experience that is attracting players to the game’s mobile version. (Seriously, a lot of people are apparently now playing on mobile.)
But don’t worry, the patch also has things for those note on mobile with a variety of changes to how the game’s queue system works. Players removed froma zone now get a protection status for one full queue cycle, and queue cycle time has gone from 90 seconds to 120 seconds. Players who immediately retreat will also now be prevented from queueing back up for 10 minutes, so there’s more incentive to play it out (or not queue in the first place). They’re minor changes, but they should make the game feel a bit better all around.